
Scene: A person trying to emboss dough with random objects, resulting in hilarious fails. Narration: "There's a better way..." End: Perfect cookies with Pastrymade. "Roll with the best. Roll with Pastrymade."

Customer Persona: Meet Sarah, a 30-year-old mother of two who loves baking for her family. She's always on the lookout for fun and creative ways to make her baked goods stand out. She's tried various tools and tricks but often ends up with less-than-perfect results. She's not a professional baker but desires professional-looking cookies. She's active on social media and often gets inspired by baking videos she sees online.

Reasons Why We're Doing This Concept:

  1. Relatability: Many amateur bakers have tried and failed with unconventional methods to make their baked goods stand out. This concept taps into those shared experiences.
  2. Humor: Using humor makes the ad memorable and shareable, increasing its reach.
  3. Showcase the Problem: By highlighting common baking fails, we emphasize the need for a product like Pastrymade.

Angle: Highlighting the struggles and failures of trying to create unique cookie designs with unconventional methods, and then presenting Pastrymade as the ultimate solution.

Brief Explanation of Angle: The ad will tap into the humor and relatability of baking fails. By showcasing the hilarity of using random objects to emboss dough, we emphasize the need for a specialized tool. The reveal of the Pastrymade Rolling Pin as the solution offers a satisfying resolution.

Ad Module Brainstorming